On this page:

Submission fee
Evaluation of similarities
External peer review
Open Access Policy
License Type


Submission fee

RIICS does not charge the authors for the processing of their manuscripts (Article Processing Charge - APC), but it is expected from them to have an active participation in the processes and a cooperative work for a greater diffusion and dissemination of their articles.


Evaluation of similarities

The journal uses a software for the detection of similarities or coincidences in order to preserve the quality of the contents, the ethics in the publishing, and the respect for the author's rights.


External peer review

The publication of research, review and reflection articles go through a process of evaluation by external peers under the double-blind modality: neither peers nor authors will be able to identify themselves. The peers must be doctors and active researchers in the thematic of the article, or masters with thematic expertise, active research and extensive scientific production.


Open Access Policy

RIICS publishes in open access. This means that, once an article has been published, anyone can have immediate access to the full text for reading, downloading, disseminating and printing without registration, subscription or payment requirements. RIICS joins to the Budapest Initiative for Open Access (2002), the Bethesda Declaration on Open Access Publishing (2003), the Berlin Declaration on Open Access (2003), and the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment -DORA- (2012).


License Type

The Creative Commons license allowed by RIICS is Attribution Non-commercial - No Derivative License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This type of license allows articles to be downloaded and shared with scientific communities as long as their authorship is acknowledged. Under no condition may their content be changed, modified or used for commercial purposes.



The authors of manuscripts accepted for publishing must proceed with the assignment of exclusive patrimonial rights to publish the article in the Fundación Universitaria María Cano, RIICS Editorial institution. The contract must be reviewed and signed before proceeding with the edition of the article. The authors will always have the moral rights over their work and will be able to distribute it in any media they consider appropriate, considering the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial - No Derivative License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The copyright assignment contract will be signed once the article is approved for publishing.


Guide for authors

About authorship  Ethics in publication Types of articles Preparation of the article Submission instructions Editorial process Other considerations