1. Authors must be truthful in their authorship, which means the authors must include in the article only the names of those people who meet the 4 authorship criteria and not include people who had little or no participation in the research. The author who meets the first authorship criterion should have the opportunity to participate in the others (writing, approval and responsibility). Those who do not meet the criteria should be mentioned in the acknowledgements section. It is the authors' responsibility to indicate the order of appearance in the article to the journal. It is not the role of RIICS to determine or arbitrate authorship problems. In case of authorship problems, authors must appeal to the institution where the research was done.

2. The manuscript submitted to RIICS has not been previously published or made available to the public in any media (digital or print) or via internet. 

3.The manuscript submitted to RIICS has not been simultaneously submitted to another journal for publishing. 

4. Fictitious data must not be used in the articles presenting them as direct and proper results of the research exercise. 

5. Data must not be manipulated to force the verification of hypotheses or to adjust them to the objectives of the study. 

6. A research must not be divided into several parts (fragmented publication) in order to increase the number of manuscripts to be published independently in different journals. 

7. Texts, sections, ideas, methods, or any information (tables, figures, maps, etc.) from other sources or your own must be not taken without giving the respective and correct reference, in order to avoid plagiarism or self-plagiarism. 

8. The authors must not maximize the data in an article or increase percentages in a positive way in order to give more relevance to the study.

9. Antecedents presented must support and contradict the findings, not only the positive ones, in order to not fall into biases. 

10. The results of the research must not be released in advance without the necessary and sufficient scientific verifications having been made. 

11. Inform the Editor in case of conflict of interest. A conflict of interest is considered when the author has personal, academic or financial relationships that may bias or affect his/her actions in the research and publication.

12. The research with humans had to have the Declaration of Helsinki (reviewed in 2013), have the approval of a Bioethics Committee or a local, regional or national body that acts in its place to carry out the research. In addition, it must have the informed consent for research and publishing. RIICS promotes the privacy of participants in the research and in the publishing. It must be included in the manuscript, in the materials and methods section, that the research was approved by a bioethics committee and that the informed consent was used. The process used with the experimental subjects and the controls carried out must also be mentioned. 

13. Animal researches should also consider institutional and national standards of care and experimentation, the approval of a bioethics committee and report the procedure in the manuscript. Please consult and follow the Guidelines for animal research of the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research: see The ARRIVE guidelines 2.0; and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the National Academy of Sciences. 

14. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce all or part of the material used in the manuscript (text, tables, figures, etc.) which are not in the public domain or licensed for use.  

15. The main author is responsible for all communication, management and publishing process with the journal: he/she will be the bridge between RIICS and the authors.



Types of articles

Guide for authors

About authorship  Ethics in publication Types of articles Preparation of the article Submission instructions Editorial process Other considerations