Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The authors have read the policies of the Revista de Investigación e Innovación en Ciencias de la Salud and agree with them: | About the journal | Guide for authors | Editorial process | Ethical policies | Review policies.
- The authors have drafted the article following the guidelines provided in the Author's Guide, and have thoroughly reviewed the Checklist to ensure that the article meets all necessary requirements.
- We confirm that the following files are attached with this submission: 1. Article; 2. Cover letter [download template]; 3. Declaration of interests from each author [download template]; 4. Images (if included in the article); 5. Research approval document (if the study involved humans or animals); 6. Informed consent for publication, if information revealing the identity of participants is included in the article [download template].
- By submitting this article, all authors agree to automatically transfer copyright to the journal if the article is accepted for publication. See Copyright Assignment Policy.
- All authors agree with and endorse the following statements: we confirm that we are the original authors of the article and comply with the authorship criteria established by the journal; we accept the order of authorship as presented in the cover letter; we approve the current version and its submission to RIICS for review and possible publication. We certify that this work is original and has not been previously published in whole or in part in any other medium (print or digital) nor is it available online (repository, database, website, blog, etc.); it has not been simultaneously submitted to another journal nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere. We confirm that all content in the manuscript is original and does not infringe the copyright of any other person or entity. Furthermore, we declare that we have obtained all necessary ethical consents to conduct the research, including informed consent from human participants and ethical use of laboratory animals, if applicable. Additionally, we declare the absence of any conflict of interest that could influence the interpretation of the results or the objectivity of the analysis. We are committed to the highest standards of integrity in scientific research and pledge to comply with all ethical and editorial standards of the la Revista de Investigación e Innovación en Ciencias de la Salud.