Indications for review

Dear peer reviewer, the Revista de Investigación e Innovación en Ciencias de la Salud (RIICS) appreciates your participation. Peer review is the central part of our editorial process and allows us to identify articles that meet the quality criteria for publication. The review model followed by the journal is double-blind: neither authors nor peers know their identities. RIICS receives articles for research and review:

Research article: original and unpublished production that presents in a detailed and organized manner the results derived from a completed research project. It handles the following structure: abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, and conclusion (AIMRDyC).
Review article: original and unpublished research result that systematically compiles, organizes, and analyzes the most recent and important research in the area; exposes the evolution of a topic providing a general and current overview of its trends, controversies, and debates.

Please keep the following in mind:

  1. 1. RIICS uses a single format for evaluating the manuscripts it receives, so identify the type of article you are reviewing (research or review) and evaluate it according to its nature. If there are items on the form that do not apply to the manuscript, select the "Does not apply" option. Bearing in mind the type of article will allow an objective and precise evaluation to be carried out.

    2. Keep the material that is sent to you and the evaluation concept that you issue confidential. This information cannot be shared or used outside of the process.

    3. Preserve confidentiality and anonymity.

    4. Declare if they have any type of conflict of interest that prevents the evaluation.

    5. Reject this invitation if the subject of the article does not fit your academic profile or subject specialty.

    6. Objectively review the quality of the article.

    7. Please be clear, technical, and argue your returns. RIICS and the authors welcome any comments that help improve the publication.

    8. Please be objective and neutral with your criticism, justify your claims and be constructive with your comments. RIICS asks its peer reviewers to avoid disrespectful, personal and unnecessary comments.

    9. Refrain from making demands on the authors that exceed the limits and objectives of the research.

    10. Inform the editor if you find coincidences of the article with any work previously published or in the process of revision.

    11. Check for plagiarism and / or self-plagiarism.

    12. Report to the editor if there are reasonable suspicions or doubts regarding the veracity, manipulation of the data or biases in the investigation.

    13. Review the information sources consulted in the article and suggest modifications if necessary.

    14. Deliver requested evaluations on time, or contact the editor in advance if delays are anticipated.

For more information on our review policy, you can refer to the "Review Policies" section.


Conflict of interests

A conflict of interest can arise when the peer reviewer cannot make an objective and impartial evaluation of an article. This situation can occur for any of the following situations:

  1. 1. If you have a personal, family, professional or business relationship with the author.

    2. If you work, have worked and / or published with the author.

    3. If you will be working with the author on a similar research project or proposal

    4. If you are working on a similar topic or have previously published it.

The peer reviewers must report to the Editor, in the invitation or in the evaluation process, any conflict of interest.


Evaluation format

This format evaluates the following categories:

  1. 1. Originality
    2. Relevance and pertinence
    3. Introduction
    4. Method
    5. Results
    6. Discussion
    7. Conclusions
    8. References
    9. Scientific and ethical integrity
    10. Editorial quality

Each category has a statement that guides the peer reviewer (the statement does not seek to be exhaustive, but rather a guide) and is evaluated through a scale of agreements and disagreements where:

Totally agree: completely complies with what is stated in the category.
Agree: it complies with the category, but some aspects need to be complemented.
Disagree: there is little information and it is not enough to answer the category.
Totally disagree: this information is not evidenced.
Does not apply: due to the nature of the article, the category does not apply.

Please note that RIICS uses only one format for the evaluation of articles, therefore, identify if the article is research or review and evaluate it according to its nature. If there are items that do not apply to the item, select the “Not applicable” option.

After you have read and reviewed the article, please record your evaluation below:


*1. Originality

Is the article original, that is, does it communicate new knowledge

Totally agree
Totally disagree

If you have a comment about this category, please record it so that the authors can improve their manuscript.



*2. Relevance and pertinence

The manuscript responds to a need, a gap, or a problem, thus configuring it in a topic of interest, discussion, reflection, or application for the public to whom it is addressed

Totally agree
Totally disagree

If you have a comment about this category, please record it so that the authors can improve their manuscript.



*3. Introduction

Does the introduction present the topic and its background, develop the necessary theoretical concepts, justify the study and show the objective or the hypothesis of the research

Totally agree
Totally disagree

If you have a comment about this category, please record it so that the authors can improve their manuscript.



*4. Method

The method is appropriate and consistent with the objective; describes the sample, the sampling, the variables, the instruments or techniques and indicates if they are valid and reliable; and sufficiently develops the analysis procedure and plan (allows its replication).

Totally agree
Totally disagree
Does not apply

If you have a comment about this category, please record it so that the authors can improve their manuscript.



*5. Results

The results respond to the objective of the study; they are described clearly, precisely, technically and in a logical sequence, starting with the most important; It is supported by tables or graphs in a clear way to synthesize high volumes of information.

Totally agree
Totally disagree
Does not apply

If you have a comment about this category, please record it so that the authors can improve their manuscript.



*6. Discussion

Makes an interpretation of the results; compares the findings with the antecedents and makes a critical analysis in light of the theory; hypothesizes possible explanations, solutions, or applications.

Totally agree
Totally disagree
Does not apply

If you have a comment about this category, please record it so that the authors can improve their manuscript.



*7. Conclusions

Emphasizes the most important findings and links them to the objective; hypothesizes possible explanations, solutions, or applications; points out the trends observed; leaves open questions as a point of interest for other researchers; shows the strengths, limitations and gives recommendations.

Totally agree
Totally disagree

If you have a comment about this category, please record it so that the authors can improve their manuscript.



*8. References (reference sources)

The references or reference sources are sufficient, up-to-date, current (in use), relevant, pertinent to the topic under development and come from reliable publishers.

Totally agree
Totally disagree

If you have a comment about this category, please record it so that the authors can improve their manuscript.



*9. Scientific and ethical integrity

The article evidences professional conducts and values that safeguard the rights of third parties and the norms of the subjects of protection (animals, nasciturus): it informs that the research was approved by an ethics committee; there is no fraud; information taken from other sources is credited; quotes are coherent with the topic; every citation is referenced and all references are cited; reports the limitations of the research.

Totally agree
Totally disagree

If you have a comment about this category, please record it so that the authors can improve their manuscript.



*10. Editorial Quality

The manuscript takes care of the writing: the sentences make complete sense; the content structure is clear and hierarchical; there is clarity and conciseness in the exposition of the arguments; there is a sequential order and logical relationship in the presentation of ideas; the wording and spelling are appropriate; correctly and strictly applies the Vancouver standards in citations and references.

Totally agree
Totally disagree

If you have a comment about this category, please record it so that the authors can improve their manuscript.



*11. General or additional recommendations for authors

Please record your recommendations for authors. Be as clear and precise as possible so that the authors have the opportunity to improve their manuscript.



*12. Recommendations for the Editor

Please record your recommendations for the Editor. Your recommendations will be read only by the Editor (The authors will not have access to this information).



*13. Publication recommendation

According to your evaluation, choose the option that you recommend to the Editor for making decisions about the publication of the manuscript.

Be published without modification
Publish with modifications