Cognitive Impairment and Anxiety in Older Adults: Characterizations in a High Southern Latitude Population

Deterioro cognitivo y ansiedad en adultos mayores: caracterizaciones en una población de latitudes altas del sur


Objective. The study characterized the levels of anxiety and cognitive impairment of older people in the Chilean city of Punta Arenas, exploring possible correlations between both phenomena.

Methods. With a descriptive pilot design, 72 older people (60-87 years) residing in Punta Arenas were evaluated using the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) tests to measure anxiety and cognitive impairment, respectively.

Results. Women were found to have significantly higher BAI scores than men (9,0 vs 3,5; p = 0,025), without significant differences in MoCA by sex. BAI and MoCA total scores showed an inverse correlation. Those over 70 years of age had a greater probability of altered scores in BAI, and a non-significant trend in MoCA (OR: 2.43; p = 0.066). Men showed higher rates of cognitive deterioration than women, although without statistical significance.

Conclusion. Those over 70 years of age showed a greater probability of altered anxiety and a non-significant trend toward greater cognitive deterioration. The results underscore the need for specific interventions to improve mental and cognitive health in this vulnerable population.


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