Meaning of Voice Disorders. A Qualitative Study from the Perspective of Elementary School Teachers
Significado de los trastornos de voz. Un estudio cualitativo desde la mirada de profesores de enseñanza básica
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Aim. The objective of the present study was to describe the significance given by teachers to voice disorders, and the reasons that dissuade them from consulting a specialist.
Method. To achieve this objective, a qualitative study was carried out with the participation of 16 primary school teachers. The information was obtained by semi-structured interviews, which were recorded and then transcripts were prepared for analysis. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee and an informed consent was signed by each of the participants.
Results. Five categories emerged from the results: Knowledge of voice problems; Formal training and voice resources; Vocal symptoms experienced throughout the teaching career; Effects on quality of life; Treatment of and approach to voice problems. All the participants had some notion of voice problems, which they associated mainly with some symptom or discomfort experienced. The great majority stated that they had never received training in voice use; they felt that their voices had changed over the years of their professional careers, becoming deeper or hoarser. A striking finding was that fifteen of the participants had never consulted a specialist, but only used household or popular remedies.
Conclusion. In conclusion, teachers form a group with a high prevalence of voice disorders; however, this contrasts with a low level of concern and a lack of knowledge about how to address problems of this kind.
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