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Development of a Virtual Platform for Clinical Reasoning Training of Speech-Therapy Students

Desarrollo de una plataforma virtual para el entrenamiento de razonamiento clínico en estudiantes de fonoaudiología

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Development of a Virtual Platform for Clinical Reasoning Training of Speech-Therapy Students. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 13 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];5(1):29-45. Available from:

Manuel Nibaldo Del Campo Rivas
    Angélica Pilar Silva-Ríos

      Objective. To develop a virtual learning platform (VLP) for CR training in speech therapy students.

      Method. Applied research based on software development. PHP programming language version 7.3.26, graphics and transitions in framework Laravel 8 and Vue 2 with Vuetify were used. The database management of the project was executed in MySql 5.5.

      Results. A VLP was created for storage and use of clinical scripts based on script concordance test. The operative functions of platform included three profiles: teachers, students, and managers. Students accessed a random corpus of previously validated scripts. Teachers had access to usability statistics and student grades, and the manager could upload new scripts, review statistics, resolve support issues, and assign roles.

      Conclusions. The VLP developed offers support for scripts training methodology in speech therapy. Educational innovation processes diversify learning strategies and promote the development of relevant skills for decision-making in the fields of diagnosis, study, and intervention.

      Article visits 666 | PDF visits 174

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