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Voice Therapy Intervention on artists

Intervención fonoaudiológica en artistas towards a complete look at vocal intervention

Portada Vol. 2, Num. 2.
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Voice Therapy Intervention on artists: towards a complete look at vocal intervention. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 3];2(2):83–92. Available from:


Gonzalo Inostroza-Moreno,

Fonoaudiólogo Gonzalo Inostroza Moreno, Docente en Universidad Mayor Temuco-Chile.

Diplomado en docencia efectiva (Universidad Mayor Tco.)
Diplomado en manejo fonoaudiológico en voz cantada (Universidad Mayor Stgo.)
Diplomado en Vocología (Universidad De Chile, Stgo.)
Diplomado en piano y producción musical (Esc. Angel Piana-Temuco.)

Ha participado como expositor en diversas convenciones de nivel internacional en Buenos Aires-Argentina, Bogotá-Colombia, Philadelphia-Estados Unidos, Montreal-Canadá y diversas Universidades a lo largo de Chile. 

Nowadays the knowledge is advancing by leaps and bounds. The number of Speech Pathologists in different areas of the profession has increased. The artistic area calls the attention of many, because it is a hardly explored and wide area. This article aims to reflect on vocal intervention on artists (singers, actors and others). Its implementation should include a thorough overview of the person: voice, physiology, physiopathology, emotions, role, medical and pharmacological aspects and individual characteristics. This promotes the adhesion of a voice professional to their area of its own knowledge, thus allowing a space for healing, exploration and artistic freedom in current terms, even in the midst of a pandemic.

Article visits 1788 | PDF visits 1328

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