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Vocal impact regarding the occupational use of the voice and stress in primary school teachers under the teleworking modality in Temuco city. A pilot study

Repercusiones vocales tras el uso ocupacional de la voz y estrés en profesoras de primaria bajo la modalidad de teletrabajo en la comuna de Temuco. Un estudio piloto

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Vocal impact regarding the occupational use of the voice and stress in primary school teachers under the teleworking modality in Temuco city. A pilot study. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2023 May 8 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];5(1):in press. Available from:

Gerson Jara Cabrera
    Carla Figueroa Saavedra
      Damián Medina Valdebenito
        Felipe Cerda Sandoval

          Introduction. Teleworking as a result of COVID-19 has generated high demands that could promote the generation of vocal overexertion.

          Aim. To evaluate how working conditions assess changes in vocal health, evaluate work stress, and assess changes in the vocal quality of primary school teachers in the Temuco commune.

          Method. Eighteen elementary school teachers from the commune of Temuco, Chile, who were teleworking during the year 2021, were evaluated not only at the beginning but also at the end of the school year through the Voice Handicap Index (VHI-30), Vocal Tract Discomfort (VTD), Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), and acoustic analysis using long-term average spectrum and disturbance measurements.

          Results. Only 21% of the teachers had adequate physical space for teleworking. In addition, 52.6% had to share household responsibilities such as taking care of minor children during their teleworking day. The results show an increase in symptoms and sensations of discomfort at the level of the vocal tract measured by the VHI-30 and the VTD. Regarding job stress measured by the Burnout scale, only a significant value for the emotional exhaustion subscale was found. Besides, there were not found any significant differences in the acoustic parameters Jitter, Shimmer, HNR, and Alpha ratio.

          Conclusions. The vast majority of the participants reported increased discomfort and self-perceived vocal symptoms (dry throat, vocal fatigue) together with a higher level of stress, which in the long run can trigger voice disorders.

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