Physical activity as an intervention strategy in autistic spectrum disorders
La actividad física como estrategia de intervención en trastornos del espectro autista Review article
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The autism spectrum disorder that affects neurodevelopment with greater prevalence worldwide, becoming a challenge for public health every day. Its clinical manifestations present serious and permanent impairment of the individual's social integration capacity and motor skills. With the purpose of discovering new treatment alternatives focused on improving clinical and behavioral conditions, a literatura review of publications of the last 15 years was carried out to database search. Pubmed, Ebscohost, Embase, Oxford Jurnals, Scopus, scienciDirect, Proques, Scielo, Proquest, ScienceDirect, Redalyc, Dialnet, Springer link, Embase y Physiotherapy
Evidence Database (PEDro). The terms used for the search were: physical activity, autism, behavior, using the descriptors MesH and DeCs. Search criteria that were established were
articles with longitudinal designs, controlled clinical trials, systematic reviews, metaanalysis in patients with autism spectrum disorder, published in English and Spanish, as a result 12 articles were found that prove evidence of interventions with physical activity can be a therapeutic
option to improve motor skills in children with autism spectrum disorder.
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