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Singing Voice Therapy Revisited

Revisión de la terapia de voz cantada

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Singing Voice Therapy Revisited. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 18 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];3(2):57-71. Available from:


Introduction. Singing is a type of sportive activity and, like sports medicine, professional voice medicine is interested in the habilitation and rehabilitation of the vocal performer. The vocal needs of the professional vocal performer may not be similar to other professional or non-professional voice users. Like a professional athlete, a vocal performer’s ability to perform for many decades at a high level will be enhanced by basing artistic and lifestyle decisions on a scientifically sound foundation.

Objective. The aim of this study is to present a multidimensional introduction to the methods of SVT, incorporating the principles of sport and exercise medicine, and physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Reflection. Singing voice therapy needs to provide answers to “what”, “why”, “how”, and “when” questions. SVT must first correctly identify the problem, leading to the “how to do” solutions for a wide variety of cases, followed by a schedule of prescribed activities including answers to the “why” question (which exercise relates to which muscle). The periodization and motor learning principles provide a temporal answer to the “when” question when developing habilitation and/or rehabilitative protocols.

Conclusion. Singing is not only an artistic expression but also a sportive performance. The clinical approach to the professional voice is a multidimensional and multi-layered team effort. All practices are structured by blending scientific and pedagogical knowledge.

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