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Effects of isolated respiratory training on breathing and voice variables

Efectos del entrenamiento respiratorio aislado en las variables respiratorias y vocales

Portada Vol. 2, Num. 2.
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Review Articles

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Effects of isolated respiratory training on breathing and voice variables. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];2(2):56–69. Available from:

Karol Acevedo
    Marco Guzmán

      Isolated breathing training in rehabilitation and voice training is a common practice in Spanish-speaking countries. Currently, there are no documents in Spanish that study the theoretical and empirical information related to respiratory training in this context. The purpose of the present review is to provide updated information regarding the current evidence of the possible effect of isolated respiratory training on voice. Respiratory strength training has been shown to have positive effects on respiratory parameters, however, the available evidence does not report significant effects on the voice, except for people with underlying neurological disorders and presbyphonia. If respiratory training using devices designed for these purposes has not been shown to positively impact vocal characteristics of subjects with dysphonia (not neurological or presbyphonia) or of healthy professional voice users, there is no reason to expect that the isolated breathing exercises that are often included in the routines of vocal trainers and speech therapists will have a positive effect on voice variables. Considering that respiratory muscle strength training seems to positively affect some vocal parameters in people with neurological disorders and presbyphonia, future research should consider exploring the possible effect on other vocal parameters not yet measured in this type of population.

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