Gamification: Intervention Experience to Improve Motivation and Performance in Anatomy
Gamificación: experiencia de intervención para mejorar la motivación y el rendimiento en anatomía
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Introduction. The factors that best predict academic performance are motivation, learning strategies, and classroom climate. In this context, gamification has advantages for promoting these variables.
Objective. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of a gamified strategy on motivation and academic performance in the anatomy and physiology of systems course.
Method. The MSQL-SF questionnaire was administered to 81 nursing students to assess their perception regarding motivation and learning strategies. Motivation, in turn, considered the dimensions of task value and test anxiety. Learning strategies assessed metacognitive strategies, resource management, and intrinsic orientation. The effect of strategy on performance was analyzed using students' grades.
Results. The main results suggest that 70% of students feel anxious about evaluations, and 50% express difficulties in adapting a study schedule. Both findings are related to motivation. Regarding academic performance, there were no significant differences between the control and experimental groups.
Conclusion. The use of gamification in learning anatomy constitutes a supplement that has shown to have rapid adherence and affinity with health students in activities that are playful, entertaining, and based on collaborative learning. However, its evidence regarding performance is limited.
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