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Creation of various Pediatric Vocal Self-Assessment Questionnaires Worldwide: a Scoping Review

Creación de diversos cuestionarios de autoevaluación vocal pediátrica a nivel mundial: una revisión de alcance

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Creation of various Pediatric Vocal Self-Assessment Questionnaires Worldwide: a Scoping Review. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 16 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];7(1):1-23. Available from:


Soledad Correa,

1 Escuela de Fonoaudiología; Facultad de Medicina; Universidad de Valparaíso; Viña del Mar; Chile.
2 Escola de Fonoaudiologia; Universidade Federal de São Paulo; São Paulo; Brasil.

Renata Azevedo,

Escola de Fonoaudiologia; Universidade Federal de São Paulo; São Paulo; Brasil.

Millaray Alfaro Bugueño,

Escuela de Fonoaudiología; Facultad de Medicina; Universidad de Valparaíso; Viña del Mar; Chile.

Paula Urbina,

Escuela de Fonoaudiología; Facultad de Medicina; Universidad de Valparaíso; Viña del Mar; Chile.

Alexandra Varas González,

Escuela de Fonoaudiología; Facultad de Medicina; Universidad de Valparaíso; Viña del Mar; Chile.

Valentina Vásquez Castillo,

Escuela de Fonoaudiología; Facultad de Medicina; Universidad de Valparaíso; Viña del Mar; Chile.

Introduction. Childhood dysphonia can affect emotionally, socially and/or academically the infant's life, so it is essential to obtain a complete evaluation at vocal level, considering voice self-assessment.

Objective. To know and describe the characteristics of pediatric vocal self-assessment instruments created worldwide.

Method. A review of the scope was conducted in accordance with the methodologically established search criteria. The data analysis was performed after the search in several scientific database platforms. Twelve articles were incorporated into the final review and, based on the results obtained, 17 vocal self-evaluation questionnaires were described, indicating their evaluation objectives, structural conformation, target population, country of creation, methodological construction and psychometric characteristics.

Results. 17 original vocal self-assessment questionnaires were found, published in Italian, English, Portuguese, and Spanish. The studies considered several vocal pathologies and variable age ranges, including population from 0 to 21 years of age, The sample used was variable, with 3 publications with an experimental group of less than 100 subjects. 4 investigations presented adaptations of questionnaires originally created for adult voice and 2 investigations presented abbreviations of original questionnaires for pediatric voice. Considering the description of psychometric measures, 1 questionnaire presented sensitivity and specificity, 2 questionnaires presented validity and reliability, 4 questionnaires presented only reliability, 6 questionnaires presented specificity, sensitivity, and efficiency, and 4 questionnaires described reliability, validity, specificity, and sensitivity.

Conclusion. 17 original pediatric vocal self-assessment questionnaires were identified and described.

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