Factors Associated with Workplace Presenteeism and Voice-Related Quality of Life in Colombian University Professors Teaching Virtual Classes during COVID-19 Times

Factores asociados al presentismo laboral y la calidad de vida relacionada con la voz en docentes universitarios colombianos dictando clases virtuales en tiempos de COVID-19


Objective. To identify associated factors of work presenteeism and voice-related quality of life among Colombian college professors teaching online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods. Cross-sectional study with the participation of twenty-nine college professors from a public university in Colombia. An online survey on the Google Forms platform was used for data collection and included questions about voice symptoms, voice-related quality of life, and work presenteeism due to voice disorders. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 25 software (IBM Corporation).

Results. Multivariate analysis showed that four variables increased the number of presenteeism days. The variable with the higher effect was voice symptoms in the month before data collection, followed by being single, the number of students, and Factor 2 of the Vocal Fatigue Index. Regarding factors associated with voice-related quality of life, multivariate analysis showed that reporting physical discomfort during phonation (Factor 2 of the Vocal Fatigue Index) was the only variable that remained statistically significant.

Conclusion. Vocal fatigue and physical discomfort during phonation, as well as marital status, are associated with work presenteeism and voice-related quality of life. These results highlight the consequences of voice symptoms on health, well-being, and economy of teachers and institutions. This information is important when preventive measurements and intervention strategies for voice symptoms and vocal fatigue among teachers need to be prioritized.


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Bibiana Omaira Rute Sanabria
Ángela Patricia Atará-Piraquive
Lady Catherine Cantor-Cutiva


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