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Impact of a Three-Week Workplace Vocal Health Promotion Program on a Teacher and Students' Voice Parameters

Impacto de un Programa de tres semanas de Promoción de la Salud Vocal en el lugar de trabajo en los parámetros de voz de una profesora y sus estudiantes

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Impact of a Three-Week Workplace Vocal Health Promotion Program on a Teacher and Students’ Voice Parameters. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];5(2):3-23. Available from:

Lady Catherine Cantor-Cutiva

    Objective. To determine the effect on voice parameters in pupils and their teacher of a three-week Workplace Vocal Health Promotion Program (WVHPP) in a school setting.

    Methods. Longitudinal study with a design phase and a pilot phase. Voice recordings of connected speech were used to collect information on voice functioning before and after the implementation of the program. The workplace vocal health promotion program was implemented with two purposes: (1) to reduce noisy conditions inside the classrooms that may cause loud voice production, which has been found associated with voice disorders among teachers and students and (2) to increase awareness about the relationship between noise and voice inside the classrooms.

    Results. The WVHPP was found to be statistically associated with a decrease in the fundamental frequency, standard deviation of the fundamental frequency, sound pressure levels, and SPL standard deviation among both pupils and their teacher. However, there was no statistically significant effect on cepstral peak prominence smoothed.

    Conclusion. The three-week WVHPP was found to have a significant impact on several acoustic parameters, such as the fundamental frequency and sound pressure levels. These findings highlight the potential of the WVHPP as an effective intervention for improving the vocal health of both teachers and students. However, the lack of a significant effect on cepstral peak prominence smoothed suggests that further research is needed to fully understand the impact of the WVHPP on voice quality.

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