Family Functioning as a possible factor that modulates empathy levels in dental students

Funcionamiento familiar como posible factor que modula los niveles de empatía en estudiantes de odontología


Aim: The objective of this paper is to explore whether there are differences in the levels of empathy and its dimensions between family typologies in dental students.

Methodology. A quantitative and not experimental study, with a cross-sectional descriptive design, a population of dental students from the Evangelical University of El Salvador, and a convenience sample were applied. The levels of empathy and family functioning were evaluated using the Jefferson Scale of Empathy for Health Professions students and the Brief Scale of Family Functioning. The construct validity of both instruments was estimated using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The reliability was estimated using McDonald's omega and Cronbach's alpha. Comparisons of empathy and its dimensions between family typologies were made using a two-factor analysis of variance.

Results. No statistical differences were observed in empathy and its dimensions based on family typologies. It was found that women are more empathic than men. This result is not in accordance with other studies carried out in Latin America on dental and medical students evaluating empathy and family functioning with the same instruments.

Conclusions. The distribution of empathy levels and their dimensions are similar among the family typologies studied. Therefore, it was not found that family functioning can influence empathy in the population studied. It is necessary to continue these studies to obtain more empirical evidence regarding the influence of family functioning on empathy.


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Nuvia Estrada-Méndez
Jennifer Elizabeth Aldana Salguero
Brenda Nathaly Alfaro Ortiz
Aracelis Calzadilla-Núñez
Alejandro Reyes-Reyes
Víctor Patricio Díaz-Narváez


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