Training intensity distribution on running time in amateur endurance runners: a scoping review

Distribución de intensidades de entrenamiento sobre el tiempo de carrera en corredores recreativos de resistencia: revisión de alcance


Problem: Intensity in endurance training is important for improving race time; its optimal handling in amateur runners has not been extensively studied. The polarized training intensity distribution (TID) model emerges as a possibility to reduce race time; however, effect of this model remains to be demonstrated compared to other TID models.

Objective: The objective of this study is to explore the current state of the evidence and its the gaps, according to the effect of the polarized TID model on race time in amateur runners compared to other TID models.

Method: A scoping review without date restrictions was carried out in PubMed, EBSCO, SciELO, LILACS, and Google Scholar. Randomized controlled studies, quasi-experimental studies, and case studies, which comprise polarized TID model in amateur runners on race time, were include.

Results: Five studies evaluated the effect on running time using the polarized TID model compared to other models in amateur runners; four of them did not show differences between groups in the race times in two, five, and ten km. Only one study showed significant differences in the race time at 21 km.

Conclusions: The model with polarized TID did not show significant differences in race time compared to other models, except for a case report in which the polarized TID was higher by 21 km compared to the threshold TID: 1 hour. 20 min. 22 seconds and 1 hour. 26 min. 34s, respectively. The scarce evidence found, the heterogeneity in the distances in the evaluated race time, the distribution of zones in the same TID, the duration of the interventions, and the monitoring of the loads, are the main limitations found in the studies. The polarized TID could contribute to adherence, lower perception of effort, and injury prevention. However, this must be tested in future studies.


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Jerman Jesyd Cruz-González Instituto Universitario de Educación Física y Deporte; Universidad de Antioquía; Medellín; Colombia
Víctor Hugo Arboleda-Serna Instituto Universitario de Educación Física y Deporte; Universidad de Antioquía; Medellín; Colombia


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