Phenomenical Analysis of the Functional Neuromuscular Technique as a Treatment for OSA

Análisis fenoménico de la técnica neuromuscular funcional como tratamiento para el SAOS


Introduction: the objective of this study is to reveal if the Functional Neuromuscular technique (In Spanish: NMF) can be considered as a treatment option for OSA. Additionally, this paper seeks to assess if the aforementioned is derived from, a portion of or if it is complemented by Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT).

Methods: Husserl's transcendental phenomenology is the methodological approach that was adopted for this study, following the path to its development: epoché, phenomenological transcendental reduction and synthesis. The actual content was obtained through two semi-structured interviews applied to a key informant who met the preconceived inclusion criteria.

Results: in the first stage 10 noesis and 266 noems , which were related to each other, were identified; in the phase of transcendental reduction, the noesis were reduced to 5 and the noems to 14.  

Analysis and discussion: the Chiavaro Method as a phenomenon is composed of three dimensions: (a) Systemic Approach, (b) Functional Neuromuscular Technique and (c) Respiratory Technique. The priority of the NMF phenomenon is the explanation of the alteration within the systemic approach based on the Function-Structure-Function logic, ergo the OSA is considered a manifestation of these relationships and as such it is classified as adaptation or as a function in dysfunction.

Conclusions: the NMF technique is a part of neurorehabilitation whilst OMT for the intervention of OSA is subscribed to the physiology of exercise.


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Eliana Rivera Capacho Speech Therapy Department; Faculty of Health; University of Pamplona; Pamplona; Colombia.
Heriberto José Rangel Navia Speech Therapy Department; Faculty of Health; University of Pamplona; Pamplona; Colombia.
Jennifer Espinosa Calderón Nataly Rojas Speech Therapy Clinic; Cucuta; Colombia.


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