logo de SCOPUS

SCOPUS is the largest and most reliable citation index or abstract and citation database worldwide that provides tools to search, analyze and visualize the best scientific research in all areas of knowledge. Its content is viewed by more than 7,000 research institutions.

logo de LILACS

LILACS is the most important database of bibliographic information on health sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean. It has 36 years of experience, 21 countries in the region, 894 indexed journals, more than 1,003 million records and 578 thousand full texts. It is coordinated by BIREME, OPS and OMS.

logo de Scielo

SciELO Colombia is a virtual library for Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal that indexes the best Colombian scientific journals. Its objective is to develop a common methodology for preparing, storing, disseminating, and evaluating scientific literature in electronic format.

logo EBSCO

CINAHL Ultimate is EBSCO's database. Index health, biomedicine, and health care journals. It covers more than 50 nursing specialties and includes quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, and research tools. Libraries in more than 70 countries subscribe to EBSCO.

logo de REDALYC

REDALYC (Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal) is an indexing system or database that integrates the journals of the highest scientific and editorial quality in the region. It exclusively indexes journals that share the non-profit publication model (open access).

logo de BIBLAT

BIBLAT is a specialized portal that allows bibliometric indicators to be generated to learn about the characteristics of scientific production in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its source of information is the Clase (social sciences and humanities) and Periódica (natural, exact and health sciences) databases.

logo dde PERIÓDICA

PERIÓDICA is the bibliographic database and index of natural, exact and medical science journals. It has more than 1,500 titles from Latin American and Caribbean journals. Periodica is part of BIBLAT, a portal specialized in scientific journals that offers bibliometric indicators for indexed journals.

logo de CUIDEN

CUIDEN® is a Bibliographic Database Index Foundation including scientific production on Health Care in Latin American scientific space, both clinical and care content in all specialties and health promotion, and methodological approaches, historical, social or cultural.

logo de DIALNET

DIALNET is a portal for the dissemination of scientific production from Spain, Portugal and Latin America, whose objective is to give greater visibility to Hispanic scientific literature and integrate the largest number of resources, betting on open access to scientific literature. Index journals, books and doctoral theses.

logo de REDIB

REDIB is an Ibero-American platform for the aggregation of scientific and academic content in electronic format. It offers direct access to documents of proven quality, published by publishers and other producers of scientific and academic content from Ibero-American countries, themes and languages.

logo de DOAJ

DOAJ is an international multidisciplinary directory of scientific and academic journals with free access in full text and in various languages ​​that meet quality standards by using peer review or a method of controlling the scientific rigor of serial publications.


DIMENSIONS is an international database that integrates and analyzes scientific articles, books and chapters, clinical trials, preprints, conference proceedings, etc. Presents impact indicators based on citations and almetrics; measures research results, collaborations, and open access distribution.

logo de GOGLE

GOGLE SCHOLAR is the most widely used multidisciplinary database, indexer and search engine for scientific and academic literature worldwide. It processes the bibliographic reference data to generate its own citation index. Its wide coverage makes it the largest and most comprehensive source today.

logo de MIAR

MIAR is a data matrix of more than 100 international indexing and abstracting databases (citation, multidisciplinary or specialized databases) and journal repertoires, with the purpose of providing useful information for the identification of scientific journals and the analysis of its diffusion.


ULRICHSWEB is a serial bibliographic information directory covering more than 900 subject areas and more than 300,000 publications. Ulrich records provide data points such as ISSN, publisher, language, subject, abstract and indexing coverage, full-text database coverage, and more.

logo de LIVRE

LIVRE is the portal developed by the CNEN - National Nuclear Energy Commission, through the CIN - Nuclear Information Center, to facilitate the identification and access to open access electronic journals. They include scientific journals, popular science journals and technical bulletins.

logo de BASE

BASE is one of the largest search engines in the world, especially for academic web resources. Provides more than 240 million documents from more than 8,000 content providers. The full texts of about 60% of the indexed documents can be accessed free of charge (open access).

logo de CZB

CZB, Library of Electronic Journals, is a service that facilitates the use of scientific and academic journals on the Internet. It contains 75,292 journals that can be accessed free of charge (open access). It offers a fast, structured and unified interface to access full-text articles online.

logo de DARDO

DARDO is a directory of scientific journals that aims to spread serial publications to provide researchers with accurate and reliable information on where to send their manuscripts. One of the purposes of Dardo is to establish reliable communications between researchers and publishers.

logo de CROSSREF

CROSSREF is an official registration agency for Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) and other services, which enables persistent linking of online articles. By 2022 it had more than 17,000 members from 146 countries, more than 130 million registrations, and more than 600 million monthly queries.

logo de INTERNET

INTERNET ARCHIVE is a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form that provides free access to researchers, academics, people with reading disabilities and the general public. The Internet Archive's mission is to provide universal access to all knowledge.

logo de ROAD

ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources) provides information on open access resources available in the ISSN database. Although it mostly indexes scientific journals, it also aggregates conference proceedings, serial monographs, repositories, and scholarly blogs.