The Importance of Sleep in Adolescents: Impact of Sociodemographic Variables and Personal Factors
La importancia del sueño en los adolescentes: impacto de variables sociodemográficas y de factores personales
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Objective. Given the scarcity of research addressing the intersection of knowledge, sleep quality, and hygiene among adolescents, the primary objective of this study is to analyse the variations and correlations among these variables based on socio-demographic and personal characteristics.
Method. The Sleep Beliefs Scale (SBS), the Spanish Adolescents and Young Adults Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (AYA-PSQI-S), the Adolescents Sleep Hygiene Scale Revied (ASHSr) were used to measure the sleep characteristics of the 140 Spanish students (M = 16,75; SD = 0,75).
Results. Sleep problems were found in 89,3% of the adolescents, underlying poor sleep hygiene in 62,2% and poor general sleep knowledge (SBS = 12,04). Females and students in higher grades presented greater problems in falling asleep, sleepiness, and poor cognitive-emotional management (p < 0,05). Sleep hygiene (β = - 0,344), age (β = 0,154), and self-concept (β = -0,349) were the factors that significantly (p < 0,05) predicted adolescent sleep quality.
Conclusions. The acquisition of proper sleep hygiene becomes crucial to enhance the quality of rest and daytime functionality in adolescents, emphasizing its significance, especially in advanced academic levels and specifically in the case of females.
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