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Evaluation of the lingual frenulum in neonates. A Systematic Review

Evaluación del frenillo lingual en neonatos. Una revisión sistemática

Portada Vol. 3, Num. 1.
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Review Articles

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Evaluation of the lingual frenulum in neonates. A Systematic Review. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 3 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];3(1):87-9. Available from:

Andrés Llanos-Redondo
    Sandra Johanna Aguilar-Cañas

      Introduction: the objective of this review is to answer the question: What is the most effective methodology for assessing lingual frenulum in neonates? Under the parameters of objectivity, clarity and validation.

      Methods: the study was conducted through a systematic review carried out using the Cochrane methodology, in which the evaluation descriptors, lingual frenulum, ankyloglossia, and newborn were used, and developed in the Pubmed, Science Direct and Scielo data banks. To analyze the level of evidence and degree of clinical recommendation, the GRADE and CEBM classification of Oxford was taken into account.

      Results: through the review we found 2 evaluations and a screening specifically for newborns that evaluates from 0 to 30 days, which are validated through specificity studies.

      Analysis and discussion: it was identified that the main parameters to diagnose an alteration in the lingual frenum are its anatomy and functionality.

      Conclusions: according to the studies found, there is an effective method for the diagnosis of the lingual frenulum in neonates.

      Article visits 1815 | PDF visits 1939

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