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Neuropsychological rehabilitation in pre- and post-surgical temporal lobectomy patients for drug-resistant epilepsy

Rehabilitación neuropsicológica en pacientes pre y posquirúrgicos de lobectomía temporal por epilepsia fármaco resistente

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Neuropsychological rehabilitation in pre- and post-surgical temporal lobectomy patients for drug-resistant epilepsy. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 5 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];4(1):137-53. Available from:

Yaira Zuleine Arias-Ramírez

    Introduction. Temporal lobe epilepsy usually produces mnestic, attentional, and language deficits. In most cases, it is treated with antiepileptic drugs, but one third of them fail, so one therapeutic option is temporal lobectomy, which helps to reduce seizures. However, surgical procedures can have sequelae, including cognitive consequences. To counteract these effects, neuropsychological rehabilitation is usually carried out in order to recover, strengthen, and sustain in time skills that were already affected before the surgery.

    Objective. To provide a reflection on the neuropsychological intervention of temporal lobe epilepsy.

    Method. The reflection on the subject starts from a clinical interest and was subsequently expanded from the review of the literature in different databases such as PubMed, Medline, and Scopus between 2000 and 2021.

    Reflection. There are many therapeutic options at the neuropsychological level and they can contribute positively to the patient's recovery, so professionals need to know the possibilities in order to use the most appropriate strategies according to each case and provide options that benefit the quality of life, taking into account that none is more effective than the other one.

    Conclusion. As a result, an overview of neuropsychological rehabilitation in pre- and post-surgical patients with lobectomy is presented, with emphasis on traditional neuropsychological rehabilitation and rehabilitation based on artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and computation.

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