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Are Mindfulness and Sleep Predictors of Cognitive Fatigue in Student Athletes?

¿Son la atención plena y el sueño predictores de la fatiga cognitiva en los estudiantes deportistas?

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Are Mindfulness and Sleep Predictors of Cognitive Fatigue in Student Athletes?. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 16 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];7(1):1-13. Available from:


Mehmet Ali Uzgu,

Institute of  Health Sciences; Gazi University; Ankara; Turkey

Emre Ozan Tingaz,

Faculty of Sport Sciences; Gazi University; Ankara; Turkey.

Introduction. Cognitive fatigue is crucial for student-athletes who have the task of both fulfilling their academic tasks and ensuring their athletic performance. Therefore, it is essential to explore the predictors of cognitive fatigue in student-athletes.

Objective. This study aimed to examine mindfulness and sleep behavior as predictors of cognitive fatigue in student athletes.

Method. A total of 144 student-athletes (40.3% male, 59.7% female, M age = 20.7, SD = 3.13) with a mean sports experience of 9.03 years (SD = 3.75) were included in the study. The Mindfulness for Sport Inventory (MIS), the Athlete Sleep Behavior Questionnaire (ASBQ), and the cognitive fatigue part of the Scale of Physical and Cognitive Fatigue Perceived (SPCFP) were used as data collection tools.

Results. Cognitive fatigue was negatively associated with mindfulness while positively associated with poor sleep behavior. In addition, mindfulness and sleep were significant predictors of cognitive fatigue.

Conclusion. Mindfulness and sleep should be taken into consideration to reduce cognitive fatigue in student-athletes.

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