Factors Related to All-But-Dissertation Status in Undergraduate Dental Education at a Peruvian University

Factores relacionados al estado Todo-Menos-Tesis en la formación de grado de odontólogos de una universidad peruana


Introduction. Preparing a thesis is a complex process and some students do not complete it, abandon it or enter a permanent state of procrastination.

Objective. To identify the factors that are related to the presence of the All-But-Dissertation (ABD) state in the graduates of a Dentistry program.

Method. Exploratory study with a qualitative approach in which 21 graduates participated. The survey technique and a semi-structured interview were used. The questionnaire collected information related to employment status, personal characteristics, time of graduation, and family characteristics. The interview guide collected the categories of reasons (personal, academic, economic, and labor), consequences (repercussions of postponing the thesis), and recommendations to avoid the syndrome.

Results. 57.1% (n = 12) were male. The main reasons for postponing the thesis were related to the acquisition of economic resources, loss of interest, family priorities, academic distance and feelings of inadequate skills. The participants recommend offering other degree modalities, academic training, improving research experiences, and providing orientation to the graduate.

Conclusions. Stomatology graduates of the Universidad Científica del Sur present multiple personal, cognitive, and institutional factors that influence the decision to continue or resume the elaboration of their degree thesis. Work dedication and family responsibilities are the main factors that limit the time devoted to the thesis.


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Yuri Castro-Rodríguez


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