Challenges and Scope of Public Health for the Understanding of Contemporary Psychosocial Problems

Retos y alcances de la salud pública para la comprensión de problemáticas psicosociales contemporáneas


Introduction. The concept of public health appears frequently in the disciplinary practices of health, social, and human sciences. However, the concept of public health is controversial because of its multifaceted and interdisciplinary nature. This happens because its meaning, theorization, and application vary according to how each discipline understands the issues it seeks to address.

Objective. To critically analyze the concept of public health and its object of study, based on its relationship and differentiation with different approaches in psychology and medicine.

Methodology. This was a study of reflection and critical analysis of the different conceptualizations and applications of public health.

Reflection. Three relevant debates have been addressed: the links of public health with psychology and medicine (1), the object of study of public health (2), and the challenges to address current social and health problems (3). The historical evolution of the concept of public health, its interdisciplinary nature, and its adaptability to sociopolitical contexts and emerging contemporary social issues are discussed.

Conclusion. Interdisciplinarity is emphasized to address emerging challenges, focusing efforts on mitigating multidimensional factors associated with global health and well-being, as well as the importance of strengthening organizational structures, developing appropriate policies, and having robust epidemiological systems to face current and future challenges.


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Anyerson Stiths Gómez-Tabares Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Salud y Bienestar; Universidad Católica Luis Amigó; Medellín; Colombia.
Carla María Zapata Rueda Facultad de Psicología; Universidad San Buenaventura; Medellín; Colombia.


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