In-office Laryngeal Procedures: a Modern Perspective for Vocal Fold Interventions
Procedimientos laríngeos en el consultorio: una perspectiva moderna para las intervenciones de cuerdas vocales
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Introduction. The purpose of this article is to discuss in-office laryngeal procedures as an alternative to surgical intervention under general anesthesia. In-office procedures have become more common due to technological advancements. As a result, these approaches are less invasive and more patient-friendly, with increased pain tolerance and reduced procedure time and cost.
Methods. We conducted a thematic analysis of published reports regarding the best known and performed in-office laryngeal interventions. Three questions guided our analysis: What laryngological procedures can be performed in the office setting? What are the advantages of in-office laryngology procedures compared to operating room surgical procedures? Why aren't more in-office procedures performed in some Latin American countries?
Discussion. Despite being performed more frequently, there is still controversy whether in-office procedures should be performed as often due to the risk of complications. Furthermore, procedures that are done in the office setting are more popular in some countries than in others, even though their benefit has been well demonstrated. This article describes various in-office procedures, including biopsy, vocal fold injections, and laser surgery. We also discuss what factors might contribute to having office-procedures being performed more frequently in some countries than others.
Conclusion. Awake interventions offer numerous benefits, including shorter procedure time, reduced costs, and lower patient morbidity. These advantages have significantly transformed the treatment of laryngeal diseases in modern laryngology practice in a global manner.
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