Osteomuscular School for Operators and maintenance staff of the Plaza Minorista José María Villa
Escuela Osteomuscular para operarios de mantenimiento de la Plaza Minorista José María Villa
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Osteomuscular schools are specific intervention strategies that facilitate concrete preventive actions to reduce the biomechanical risk that occurs in different institutions. The present study is carried out in the maintenance work post in the Plaza Minorista de Medellín, where an initial characterization of the biomechanical risks is performed, due to forced postures and forced uperstresses, as well as manual handling of loads. The ergonomic evaluation methodology, CENEA, is used, with which the risk in general is quantified. It is obtained as results, that the main risks are biomechanical, the use of tools and the manual handling of loads. Based on this, specific topics are established to generate specific training for maintenance operators.
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- Metodología de evaluación ergonómica CENEA
- Derechos de autor 2019 Revista de Investigación e Innovación en Ciencias de la Salud