Dermatoglyphics as a means of finding diabetes mellitus: a systematic review
Dermatoglifia como medio de hallazgo de diabetes mellitus: revisión sistemática
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Introduction. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common chronic diseases, being one of the main causes of mortality in the world population. Dermatoglyphics is used as an instrument for the discovery of certain biological aspects in different populations.
Objective. To recognize, by doing a systematic review, the relevance of dermatoglyphics as a means of finding diabetes mellitus.
Methodology. Review of scientific literature in databases such as Sciencedirect, PubMed, Scopus, and VHL, in which information was extracted after running the search equation with MESH terms. After that, they were revised to include those articles related to DM and dermatoglyphics. For the entire process, the PRISMA methodology was followed, evaluating the articles with the Cochrane bias scale and the level of evidence and recommendation with the SIGN scale.
Results. After a review of 475 articles, eight articles were included, and when evaluated, five articles were classified as 2+ and three as 2-, with a level D recommendation.
Conclusion. Dermatoglyphics is a useful tool as a means of detecting DM. However, it is necessary to carry out cohort studies to demonstrate this in different populations, such as the Colombian population. 70% of the reviewed articles show that the prediction of DM finding is effective. Nevertheless, 30% of the investigations within this review do not consider it to be a sufficiently optimal tool to discover the pathology in the population.
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