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Neuromuscular electro-stimulation as a complementary mechanism in sports training of anaerobic predominance

La electroestimulación neuromuscular como mecanismo complementario en el entrenamiento deportivo de predominancia anaeróbica

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Neuromuscular electro-stimulation as a complementary mechanism in sports training of anaerobic predominance. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];4(2):20-33. Available from:

Oscar Adolfo Niño Méndez
    Eduard Alonso Ceballos Bernal
      Linda Paola Ramírez Galeano
        Diego Fernando Vásquez Sánchez
          Guillermo Rubén Oviedo

            Introduction. Neuromuscular electrostimulation can add value to rehabilitation physical exercise programs, as long as aspects such as the objectives of each person, tolerance to intensity, and the needs for recovery and rest are considered. Likewise, it can be an interesting element to add in sports planning with a view to improving recovery, as well as increasing physical performance.

            Objective. The main objective of this research was to determine the effects of combined neuromuscular electrostimulation exercise and high intensity and short duration exercises in healthy and physically active men on the fatigue index.

            Methodology. 34 healthy, physically active, and physical education male students (19.4 ± 2.60 years) were randomized and organized into four groups: G1, neuromuscular electrostimulation program; G2, high intensity and short duration training; G3, combined exercise of high intensity and short duration, and neuromuscular electrostimulation; and G4, control group, A Wingate test was applied before and after the training period.

            Results. In the G3 group, there are increases in anaerobic performance with significant differences in the average power relative to weight (p=0.027), with an increase of 7.36%, and a decrease of 12.2% in the fatigue index (p=0.048). In the G4 group there are decreases in performance, evidenced through the significant differences in the average power (p = 0.030), with a decrease in performance of 6.32% and a decrease in the performance in mean power relative to weight with a significant difference (p=0.010) of 3.92%.

            Conclusions. A combined program of neuromuscular electrostimulation and high-intensity interval exercise improves anaerobic performance in mean power and relative to weight, evidenced through a Wingate test. Likewise, it decreases the percentage of drop in anaerobic performance, showing better results in comparison to training with only high-intensity interval training.

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