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Review of scientific literature on progress in rehabilitation of knee injury in skating (from the physiotherapy)

Revisión de la literatura científica sobre los avances en rehabilitación de lesiones de rodilla en patinaje (desde la fisioterapia) 2000-2017

Portada Vol 1, Num. 1.
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Movimiento corporal humano

How to Cite
Review of scientific literature on progress in rehabilitation of knee injury in skating (from the physiotherapy): 2000-2017. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 8 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];1(1):25-40. Available from:

Elizabeth Roldán González
    Aida Paola Muñoz Martínez
      Salomón Rodríguez Guarín
        Irene katherin Vásquez Sandoval
          Katherin Jinnet Medina Delgado

            Elizabeth Roldán González,

            Master in Education and Neurorehabilitation, Specialist in Senior Management and University Teaching, Physiotherapist.

            Aida Paola Muñoz Martínez,

            Master in Integral Intervention in the Athlete, Specialist in Integral Intervention in the Athlete, Physiotherapist.

            Salomón Rodríguez Guarín,

            Master of Philosophy, Humanities Specialist, Bachelor of Philosophy.  

            Katherin Jinnet Medina Delgado,


            Liceth Kateryne Ramírez Llantén,


            Introduction: Skating has experienced a boom in recent years, with more and more people starting in this activity both recreationally and competitively, especially in our country that has become a world power in this sport (in 2017 Colombia won the World title number 15 and the eighth in a row). As the popularity of the sport has increased, so have the injuries associated with it, some of them serious, whose recovery can take and extend beyond a year, including those of the knee. The experience of injury has repercussions and impacts on the athlete's life emotionally, cognitively and with expectations and after an injury, physiotherapy is one
            of the fundamental axes of rehabilitation and re-entry into competition, however, Previous reviews do not allow to identify the existence of concrete advances in the rehabilitation of this type of injury. In this review we analyze the scientific literature about the advances in rehabilitation of knee injuries (figure skating, running and speed), published from the year 2000 to 2017. Materials and Methods: study of quantitative approach, documentary method Type: Integrative review, on the advances (conceptual, methodological and technological), of the rehabilitation in knee injuries in the skating (artistic, career and speed), in publications between 2000 to 2017. Results: 32 bibliographic records were found, but only 20 met the inclusion criteria. Strategies and techniques have been maintained over time as a basis for sports rehabilitation: proprioceptive training, muscle balance and alignment, neuromuscular rehabilitation programs and therapeutic skating. Conclusions: Scientific production is reduced in rehabilitation of knee injuries in skating, from physiotherapy; the physiotherapeutic approach reports propioceptive programs, neuromuscular training, flexibility exercises, coordination and strength, without evident scientific and technological advances. Skating registered as a therapeutic alternative.  

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