Accompaniment of caregivers to the primary school children's school process

Acompañamiento de cuidadores al proceso escolar de niños de básica primaria


The accompaniment provided by caregivers of children in their school process is important for their proper learning. This is stated in the General Law 115 of Education in Colombia. The relationship between reading and writing skills with the school process is also very strong. Qualitative and exploratory study; Through a structured interview, a group of 15 caregivers was asked about the accompaniment and follow-up provided to children of 4th grade of primary school in their school process. The sample was selected intentionally, since it was a group of caregivers of previously identified children with difficulties in reading and wrinting. The accompaniment provided by caregivers of children in their school process is important for their proper learning. This is stated in the General Law 115 of Education in Colombia. The
relationship between reading and writing skills with the school process is also very strong. Qualitative and exploratory study; Through a structured interview, a group of 15 caregivers was asked about the accompaniment and follow-up provided to children of 4th grade of primary school in their school process. The sample was selected intentionally, since it was a It was found that these caregivers had a mostly positive perception of children's school performance, in addition to referring optimal study environments and ways of supporting
reading and writing.

Since for the caregivers both the performance of the children and the conditions of study and accompaniment were good, research should continue on the subject from a deeper investigative point of view.


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John Fredy Quintero Uribe
Ximena Gómez Montoya
Daniel Felipe Moreno Patiño
Sara Yurley López Hernández


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