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Posture and foot sole in combat sport athletes (taekwondo and karate)

Postura y huella plantar en deportistas de combate (taekwondo y karate)

Portada Vol 1, Num. 1.
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Movimiento corporal humano

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Posture and foot sole in combat sport athletes (taekwondo and karate). Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 2];1(1):41-50. Available from:

Andrés Felipe Villaquirán Hurtado
    Nancy Janneth Molano Tobar

      Andrés Felipe Villaquirán Hurtado,

      Master in comprehensive intervention in the athlete, Physiotherapist.

      Nancy Janneth Molano Tobar,

      Doctor in Nutrition, Doctor in Biomedical Sciences, Master in Sports Physiology, Specialist in University Teaching, Physiotherapist.

      To characterize the static posture and the type of conformation of the foot in taekwondo and karate athletes from the city of Popayán. Method: It is a quantitative study of descriptive type of cross section, in which the static postural assessment was carried out in the four planes, and the footprint analysis of 15 taekwondo and karate athletes who participated in national games in 2015 with an average age of 19.80 years ± 7.37. For the postural analysis APIC software v2.0 was used, and for the analysis of the footprint the AreaCalc software evidencing. Results: The study showed that the alterations are centered in lower limbs with alterations in knees tending to rotate, in the ankle there is a greater predisposition to varus (right 53.3% left 53.3%), with respect to the foot type, normality is evident in general with 46.7% and tendency to flat foot with 20%. Conclusion: most of the athletes presented alterations both postural and in their footprint, indicating that a permanent work oriented to postural hygiene is necessary as the emphasis in the work of strengthening the plantar arch, because it is high impact and without protection for the feet, it is necessary a good cushioning, in order to avoid subsequent injuries caused by instability.

      Article visits 1396 | PDF visits 984

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