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Perceptions about the Institutionalization of the Elderly in Barranquilla, Colombia

Percepciones sobre la institucionalización de la persona adulta mayor en Barranquilla, Colombia

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Perceptions about the Institutionalization of the Elderly in Barranquilla, Colombia. Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];6(2):162-76. Available from:

Olga Suárez Landazábal
    Arturo Pedroza Pedroza

      Introduction. The global demographic growth observed in the segment of older adults poses multiple challenges for the design of well-being and public health policies in the countries, which requires introducing improvements that positively impact the quality of life of the older adult, the family and the community. The present study, a result of descriptive research, collects the perceptions related to the dilemma between living life as a family or the institutionalization of the elderly in the city of Barranquilla.

      Objective. To determine the perception of the institutionalization of the elderly from the perspective of the subject and the family linked to geriatric/gerontological homes and groups of the elderly in the city.

      Method. The research was carried out from a hermeneutic approach, applying semi-structured interviews to older adults and families.

      Result. There is heterogeneity in the city in relation to perceptions about the way of living this stage of human development and that it is closely related to aspects such as health, economy, family functionality, and the surrogate care as a social phenomenon linked to family migration.

      Conclusion. The topic raises challenges to be faced in Colombia and the world when it comes to aging, especially in the context of poverty, family dysfunction and inequality. The causes and consequences of the institutionalization of the elderly are defined, as well as the alternatives of family and social care, exploring the cultural and demographic characteristics that influence the situation of the elderly in the country.

      Article visits 604 | PDF visits 199

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