Exploring the Feasibility of a Comprehensive Screening for Voice and Swallowing Function in Post-Extubation Patients: A Pilot Study
Explorando la viabilidad de un tamizaje integral de la función de la voz y la deglución en pacientes postextubación: un estudio piloto
Objectives. This pilot study aimed to identify and test a battery of time-efficient and cost-effective voice and swallowing screening tools for post-extubated patients in Chile.
Methods. A panel of four experts selected and rated voice and swallowing screening tools. Seven measures were selected: smoothed cepstral peak prominence (CPPS) and maximum phonation time (MPT) for voice assessment, Volume-Viscosity Swallow Test (V-VST) for swallowing, voluntary and reflex peak cough flow for cough assessment, Eating Assessment Tool-10 (EAT-10), and Vocal Symptom Scale (VoiSS) for patient-reported outcomes. These tools were applied to four post-extubation patients within 48-72 hours post-hospital discharge, alongside the assessment of 17 matched controls.
Results. Post-extubation patients showed significantly shorter MPT, lower CPPS values, increased V-VST dysphagia signs, reduced voluntary peak cough flow, and more pronounced symptoms on both the VoiSS and EAT-10 compared to controls.
Limitations. The study had a modest sample size and relied solely on clinical screening tools.
Value. This pilot study suggests a feasible and cost-effective approach to voice and swallowing screening for post-extubation patients, valuable in resource-constrained settings.
Conclusion. While these accessible tools are not gold-standard assessments, they offer valuable insights and can guide future research. This study underscores the potential of selected tools in facilitating early detection of voice and swallowing disorders in post-extubation patients.
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