Effect of a virtual reality program to improve trunk stability in Paralympic shot put and javelin throwers. A case study

Efecto de un programa de realidad virtual para mejorar la estabilidad de tronco en lanzadores de bala y jabalina paralímpicos. Un estudio de casos


Introduction: Paralympic sport originated as part of rehabilitation processes for people with disabilities. During the execution of Paralympic disciplines, motor control in the trunk region and especially in the abdomen is of great importance to prevent injuries and improve the registration of the sports record. There are many tools used by sports coaches to improve muscle strength and therefore trunk stability to reduce the risk in the sports field. However, research on the use of virtual reality along with stabilometry platforms for the training of Paralympic athletes with physical injuries are scarce.

Objective: To establish the effect of a trunk training program supported by virtual reality in high performance Paralympic athletes, shot put and javelin throwers with physical injuries who compete in throwing frames.

Materials and method: The research was designed as an intrasubject quasi-experimental study. Five high-performance Paralympic athletes with physical disabilities were evaluated. A virtual reality software that includes patterns and playful games adjustable in time and intensity and a dynamic standing platform were used as part of the intervention equipment, adjustable to the patient, which allows reeducating balance, proprioception, strengthening, and achieving trunk control. The variables of analysis were the level of anteroposterior and lateral displacement of the trunk and changes in the volume of action. An initial evaluation, an intervention that lasted six weeks, and a final evaluation were carried out.

Results: In the initial evaluations of all athletes, a tendency towards posterior displacement was observed. In the final evaluation, the displacement ranges increase in almost all subjects except for subject 5, which showed values that remain almost stable in both the initial and final evaluations. The difference in displacement between the initial and final test on average of the participants was 6.26 degrees.

Conclusions: the positive results of trunk training supported by virtual reality for the participants constitute a contribution to the knowledge on the subject and open the possibility of including this technology in training protocols in Paralympic sports.


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Luz Edith Perez-Trejos Facultad de salud; Universidad del Valle; Cali; Colombia.
Lessby Gómez Salazar Facultad de salud; Universidad del Valle; Cali; Colombia.
Daniela Ortiz Muñoz Facultad de salud; Universidad del Valle; Cali; Colombia.
Gloria-Patricia Arango-Hoyos Facultad de salud; Universidad del Valle; Cali; Colombia.


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