(Dis)satisfaction With Body Image, Lifestyles and Life Satisfaction in Higher Education Students
(In)satisfacción con la imagen corporal, estilos de vida y satisfacción con la vida en estudiantes de enseñanza superior
Objective. Body image is a predictor of physical, psychological, and social health. Therefore, it can be an indicator for detecting health problems, to be used in the context of higher education. The aim of this study was to assess body image satisfaction in higher education students and to determine whether body image dissatisfaction is related to lifestyle behaviours and life satisfaction.
Methodology. This study included 166 Portuguese higher education students. Body image was assessed using the Figure Rating Scale. Active choices during everyday life were assessed using the Active Choice Index. The questionnaire also included questions about sleep behaviour and tobacco and alcohol consumption. Satisfaction with Life was assessed using a five-item scale previously adapted for the Portuguese population.
Results. There was a predominance of boys dissatisfied with thinness (26.10%), while the majority of girls revealed that they were dissatisfied due to being overweight (55.70%). The results indicate statistically significant differences between boys and girls in terms of body image categories (p<0.001). However, when we analysed the behaviours separately according to gender, there were no differences. Active behaviours, as well as the other health behaviours analysed (hours of sleep per week and alcohol and tobacco consumption) did not differ between the different levels of body image satisfaction (p>0.05).
Conclusion. Most of the students are dissatisfied with their body image, with the majority of girls showing dissatisfaction due to being overweight. Lifestyles and life satisfaction do not differ between students who are satisfied and those who are dissatisfied with their body image.
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