Risk of Dysphonia in Legal Professionals: Proposal for a Screening Protocol

Riesgo de disfonía en profesionales del derecho: propuesta de un protocolo de detección


Introduction. Due to the communicative requirements inherent to the profession, the legal professional benefits from speech therapy monitoring for the proper use of the voice and to avoid the occurrence of vocal disorders. The development of specific instruments will contribute with more relevant data to guide this monitoring.

Objective. To verify the applicability of the General Dysphonia Risk Screening Protocol (DRSP-G) and the Specific Dysphonia Risk Screening Protocol for Legal Professionals (DRSP-LP) and to correlate the average scores of both with vocal deviation, sex, age, professional performance time, vocal signs and symptoms, and vocal self-assessment.

Methods. Fifty legal professionals participated. All participants completed the DRSP-G and DRSP-LP and recorded their voices for detection of the presence of altered vocal quality.

Results. Most participants presented a high risk of dysphonia, which was higher in men. Altered vocal quality was observed in 34% of the participants. The items with the highest scores in the DRSP-G were talking a lot (76%), excessive daily coffee intake (70%), contact with smokers (60%), and insufficient hydration and sleep (48%); in the DRSP-LP, alcohol consumption (68%) and exposure to air conditioning (64%). There was no correlation between risk scores and the degree of dysphonia, or with age or length of professional experience. The DRSP-G score correlated with vocal signs and symptoms and vocal self-perception.

Conclusions. The joint application of the DRSP-G and the DRSP-LP enabled a quantitative and qualitative analysis of risk factors for dysphonia in legal professionals.


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Maria Beatriz Martini Ramalho Gullino
Marcia Simões-Zenari
Danilo de Albuquerque Rodrigues
Giselle Carvalho Said
Katia Nemr


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