Intellectual capacity in children with chronic malnutrition

Capacidad intelectual en niños con desnutrición crónica


This research is quantitative, with a descriptive and correlational level aimed at analyzing the relationship between mental and nutritional component in a group of 76 children enrolled in an educational institution selected by convenience official capacity, 38 subjects were part of the control group (without malnutrition) and 38 formed the case group (chronic malnutrition). Clinical evaluation of intellectual ability was performed using the RIAS test; addition to nutritional assessment; According to the results of a lower performance in both subjects as the control group event at the level of verbal intelligence scales, and non-verbal memory index was found; however, no significant group differences in intellectual function component is presented. Therefore it is concluded that to investigate the nutritional factor involvement in children should take into account the analysis of other variables such as the Psychosocial which could explain the similar performance obtained by the groups evaluated


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Yenny Vicky Paredes Arturo
Maryoris Elena Zapata Zabala
Juan Fernando Martínez Pérez
Leandro José Germán Wilmot
Jorge Mauricio Cuartas Arias


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